On the couch

Here I am, lying on the couch on Labor Day weekend, realizing I haven’t logged into my blog since May. Damn. I’m supposed to be better than this.

I guess I’ve got some pretty valid excuses. I just moved my oldest son up to college yesterday. I tried holding on to each minute with him over the past year, and this summer I could see the last few drops of sand falling through the hourglass. I spent every moment with him that I could. That he would allow. I cried yesterday. Of course, my 18 years of work..the love, the lost sleep, the money, the driving, the setting of examples, the cuddling, the nurturing…it was all for this moment. Fly, little bird…fly.

I’ve also been distracted by a tumor growing in my colon. Don’t fret, it’s not cancer. It’s endometriosis. A funky disease that not too many people talk about. Hell, I’m a hospital trained nurse and even I never knew how nasty this can be. It’s invasive, like a weed. It multiplies, forms adhesions, invades organs and sticks organs together. It affects urinary function, bowel function…basically fucks up anything it touches. It causes excruciating pain and debilitating loss of organ function, and symptoms are cyclical, meaning they vary, depending on your hormones. Did I mention loss of function yet? Fun! And it’s incurable. Many women in my online support group have had over 20 surgeries. It just keeps growing back. Mine’s invaded the wall of my colon, causing a partially obstructing mass. I’ll be having it removed, along with as much as they can get of the other endometriosis all over my pelvic cavity. Surgery is in 26 days. Send me good vibes, people.

I start my 3rd semester of school in 9 days. Taking 9 credits this time around, so it should be interesting to see how I’m going to pull it off while recovering from this big surgery. I’m supposed to be getting a head start on reading a book for my “Women of Modern China” course, but hey…why not blog instead? Why not do ANYTHING instead?

In my defense, I have been writing. Just not here. I started a second blog www.storytellerscapecod.com There’s only two posts on it. As you can see, I’ve been a bit distracted lately. Not to mention, I live on Cape Cod, and it’s boating season.

I’m also having my 3rd article published in a nursing journal this October. It’s been awesome working with the editors, learning how to trim without losing the essence of the story.

OK, ya’ll are caught up. I’m transferring from the couch to bed, bringing the heating pad with me. My abdomen feels like it’s being torn into pieces tonight. Never thought I’d be looking forward to a surgery, but here we are. I’m sure once I start school and have the operation, I’ll be missing from WordPress again. I do hope to catch up on everyone’s posts soon. Such a great community here on wordpress. I love you guys, even when I don’t show up.

This post was written in response to Linda G Hill’s Stream of Social Consciousness Saturday
