My friend, Linda G. Hill, runs a writing group here on WordPress. She actually has a few of them, but I take part in her Stream of Social Consciousness Saturday one. She gives us a word or phrase as a prompt, and we organically write about it. No edits allowed, other than fixing typos. It’s a pretty neat idea, and often interesting to see what comes out. Often, it’s not what you intend when you start the essay. I started writing in this blog as part of my healing process, though lately it seems I only write because I receive her prompt. Time gets away from me, and I’m grateful to have Linda gently kicking me in the butt, keeping me writing. I think sometimes I’m so busy being a mom and a nurse and wearing all the other hats I wear, that I forget that I’m a writer. Thankfully, she reminds me.
I’ve never met her, and only know her from her blog, so we’ll see how this comes out. I wrote a similar post a few weeks ago ( I am ) which was inspired by one of her own posts. I thought it might be neat to see what she is to me. This week’s prompt is “ask someone else”, meaning to ask someone else for the prompt. As she is tending to her sick child, I suggested she take that prompt and use it in her real life, asking someone else to manage the blogging world for a bit. One can only juggle so much, Linda. So, I’m taking it upon myself to write this week’s post for you, in case you find yourself with too much going on…
Who is Linda?
Linda is a writer.
Linda is a mom.
Linda is a woman.
Linda is a natural writer. She has a gift, and it flows freely. Read any one of her published books and you’ll feel her humor, her wit…her intelligence. Though it’s not difficult for her to write, she does put hard effort into getting it done, so the world can read it. Even with an ill child, she makes sure she takes care of her followers. Linda pursues big dreams, and that stirs something in me. I know I’m not the only one on here who looks up to her, who sees her as a mentor. Her passion for writing inspires me.
Linda is a mom. The kind of mom everyone should have. The kind who has to work harder than the other moms, just due to the hand she was dealt in life. We know all moms work hard, are loving and kind… but when medical concerns overshadow all the normal parts of child rearing, child rearing no longer becomes “normal”. It requires a badass mom. Luckily for her kids, that is exactly what they have. She finds strength when she’s not feeling strong. She finds patience when she’s seemingly at the end of her rope. I know this because she shares some of it with the world. I’m sure not all of it, but I get to glimpse enough to know. No matter how trying it can be, she somehow carries on, with a sense of humor and grace. Sometimes, after I read about one of her typical days, I exhale, and just want to hug her. I’ll bet some of you do, too.
Linda is a woman. A hilarious woman (I’ve seen the way her brain works in SOCS… sometimes, it’s more of a twisted hilariousness…). A woman who is not afraid to take chances and believe in herself, and others. A woman who is generous, compassionate and sharing…particularly to the hundreds of bloggers she’s never even met. Quick to offer advice, support, validation. Linda is authentic and vulnerable and brave. She reminds me if that quote, “she turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans”.
Thank you for sharing yourself with us, Linda.
The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Dec. 29/18