Today my oldest son turned 18. We are looking at colleges and I’m preparing for my little bird to fly the nest. It’s bittersweet times around here.
Our family has been through a lot these past three years. My husband moved out two years ago, after a year of me having a therapeutic revolution of my own #metoo movement. My boys are well aware of it all, and have weathered the storm like warriors. God, I have been blessed.
I cried writing this card…
The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Oct. 6/18
I’d cry too. Bravo to you!
Bittersweet times around here…
Blessed you are! But equally a huge blessing to others as well! Thanks for sharing. ((()))
Thank you! I enjoy sharing blessings:)
Sounds like you have a great family network there, which makes all the difference in the world. And good on you for sharing your thoughts with your boy too, I’m sure he will appreciate and cherish the card. 🙂
Thanks, Ginni. The card has been buried under a pile of mail on the counter. He’s a typical 18 year old boy, ha ha. I’ll keep it safe for him till he grows up a bit more. I know he’ll appreciate having it later…:)
What an exciting time and a beautiful message! Your words and all your love will go with him into the future. Your relationship will continue to grow in new ways, but you will always be his mom. He will always be your son.
That is my plan! I’m hoping to fill these two boys with so much love, they will not need to seek it. It will just come to them without pain or work:)