I was notified that a large number of spammers were using my registration to send out spams. Word press was going to shut down my account if I didn’t install Google captcha. So I installed it, but now it seems like no one can comment on my posts. I’ve had people tell me they commented on the post I wrote before of this, the “Letters” one, but nothing is showing up. Does anyone have any ideas? Of course, if you can’t comment on this, you won’t be able to help me…
Oh NO! Is THAT what is going on! I left a comment on letters and then I saw another comment on there too
Is anyone commenting here, lol! I don’t see any!!
Testing testing, Jami!
Thank you! Received!
I tried to comment on Letters and it said the captcha wasn’t accepted. But there was no captcha visible to type in. You need to figure out how to put the field in so we’ll have to type something in. Sorry I’m not more helpful. WordPress help?
When did you try? Have you tried since I made this post asking for help? I thought I removed the captcha from comments before this post
I tried last night. Just emailed you a few links that might help you fix your captcha.
Would you try and comment on the letters post again?
Comment went through. No captcha though.
I just commented and it seemed to work.
Left a message using the Contact Me form, Jami – did you get it?
I sadly have no advice for you, but I hope you can see this and all will resolve quickly for you
Oh it did finally show and I guess it just took a bit to come through
Technology chaos!!!
Yah but as long as they get through it’s not that bad 😉
I hope it works out. Technology can be so weird.