Id like to thank the universe for cutting short the funk I’ve been in these past few months. I knew something was about to happen. I could feel it building up over the past few weeks. Amid all the inner turmoil, I would catch glimpses of whatever “it” was…little glimmers of hope, of putting puzzle pieces together in my brain. I kept up with my “work”…meditating my ass off, writing in my journal, researching attachment types, abandonment issues and emotionally unavailable men. The other night, I tearfully sat in my friend’s driveway, telling her how desperate I was to change my attachment type, knowing full well the only way I was ever going to stop the pattern of only being drawn to emotionally unavailable men was to believe in my own self worth, and to make peace with the first emotionally unavailable relationship in my life. Easier said than done, people. Easier said than done.
I spent another day soul-searching. Reading. Listening to podcasts. I knew I had all the answers in my possession, I just had to figure out how to make them work. I could feel an impending shift inside me. I went to dinner that night with my friends, still tearfully talking about the same thing, but telling them “something big is about to happen to me…I can feel it.” And wouldn’t you know it… I woke up the very next day, and the angst was gone. Just like that. It lifted. I exhaled. I smiled. I thought about trying to figure just what it was that made it go away, but I stopped… No need to. I just wanted to enjoy it.
I felt like a damn rock star. I kicked ass at work that day. I ended up finishing early because everything seem to line up just right. I noticed a lot of synchronicity throughout the day, and knew it was the universe falling into place for me. I ended up completing a lot of tasks I had put off for months. Every interaction I had was joyful and purposeful. I was mindful of everything. I was walking on air and felt unstoppable.
Are you waiting for me to tell you about when the other shoe fell? Well, I’m not going to. The synchronicity is still happening. I still feel no inner turmoil. It’s been days now, and I’m still a rock star. Carry on.
The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Nov. 4/17
It amazing how if you just stay with the process in time the burden comes away. Its always on universal time but we do the work to get there. You must have been ready. <3
To me this is the “letting go” feeling of forgiveness & then putting that energy spent on things we cannot change on ourselves. I’ve only recently felt some of this & I’ve never felt more free, powerful & present. Your story gives me goosebumps! I can’t wait to hear what’s next for you, butterfly! #synchronicity
Awesome! Kudos to you!! Rock on.
Woo hoo! Critical mass.The tipping point. When your hard work pays off, you know it was worth it. Enjoy that mountain top. 🙂