Well, finally

Well, I finally received the print copy of my article. I started this whole “getting something published” journey back in the spring, and it’s kind of like waiting for a baby to be born. No, not really. Bad example. It’s more like waiting for a vacation you planned well in advance. Yes, that’s a better comparison. You plan the trip, and once you book it, you’re PUMPED. You tell everyone you know about it, you are so freaking excited to go there, and then you kind of have a let down, as you realize you have to spend the next several months just living your ordinary life until the day rolls around. Kind of like the trip I just took to San Diego. I bought it LAST November on cyber Monday (BEST day to purchase online trips, FYI….$600 for round trip airfare and 4 nights in a hotel ON the ocean). We were so excited when we bought it, then had to face the reality of a New England winter and spring (basically just one long cold shitty season), go through the summer and then get excited again as the date finally neared. We just went last week, and it was amazing. And the day I returned home, the paper copy of the American Journal of Nursing was waiting for me. Perfect homecoming after a perfect vacation.

And, I read a book on attachment relationship types on the plane, and it allowed me to let go of the angst which had been building up inside me regarding yet another failed relationship. Sometimes, just having the answer to “why” is good enough.

Well, I am happy again…finally. Feeling at peace and ready to conquer the world again. Thank God….


The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Oct. 14/17



7 thoughts on “Well, finally”

  1. Congratulations on seeing your awesome article in print! Sorry to just get here, but that extends the celebration! 🙂 What if instead of thinking of having another failed relationship, you think of it as research?

    1. Funny you should say that. Just today, I was telling a friend that this relationship must be a lesson. I think it was for me to learn how to walk away from someone who doesn’t nourish me. Whereas before, I would always just stay, because I didn’t think I deserved more. Though, walking away is more difficult than it sounds?

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