Love breakthrough

Emotional roller-coaster. That’s the best way to describe my feelings this year. Ever since that one ugly marital fight a year ago in September, I’ve felt it all. Well, almost all. Frustration and resentment stemmed from that day, and lasted through couples therapy. It  transformed into sadness and longing as I transitioned into individual therapy to process my Mom/abandonment issues. After I peeled off that Mom layer, all hell broke loose as I processed the sexual, physical and emotional abuse that followed. Fear, shame, sadness, anger, disgust, guilt, depression…basically months of negative emotions. It seemed as though it might never end, but it did. Little by little, I started having happy moments, empowered moments, fun moments. Like a pendulum, I would swing back and forth between the highs and lows, though luckily I could see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. I kept up my “work”… therapy, writing, meditating, nurturing myself… trying to love myself.  Sometimes, I was just going through the motions, but that’s just part of the process. The positive moments eventually started to outnumber the negative ones, and I turned the corner.  I started believing in myself. I started to feel a little less unworthy. I shed a lot of that heavy guilt and began to learn, appreciate and accept…me. Though, throughout it all, one thing kept bothering me. I couldn’t feel love. Through my painful, exhausting work, I rewired my brain enough to believe that the people around me loved me. I knew it to be true, in my head. I just couldn’t feel it. So many times, I would find myself nervously admitting to my therapist that I couldn’t feel anyone’s love or caring for me, not even my children. I was ashamed of this. It made me feel ungrateful to admit it, like I was not appreciative of the people around me. Especially when I said I couldn’t feel the love from my children. What kind of mother says that? This type. This mother who is nothing but raw, open and honest sitting on that couch. I give therapy…I give me…my all. I’m not wasting time playing games or pretending. I want to be “normal” so desperately, so I tell Susan everything. Everything. Each time I told her this, I looked down in shame, imagining her thinking I’m ungrateful or selfish or whatever it is I’m thinking of myself when I say it. She didn’t.  Each time she reassured me, “It will happen in its own time”, smiling. Smiling, like she knows. I never believed her, because I knew I was different from her other clients. She thinks she knows, but she doesn’t know.

Well, she does know. I’ll be damned if there’s a thing about the human soul this woman does not know. I’ve been not feeling love since…well, since…hmm. I don’t know. I guess that’s a long time. I’m sure I’ve felt it at some point in my life, but right now, I can’t recall. I can remember feeling it, but with conditions. Knowing it was at risk if I didn’t play by the rules, and is that really love? Anyway, it happened. It happened at my butterfly party (see last post). I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, or maybe the song, or just that I was with a fun group of people, or I was tired. I felt like I had to blame it on something, because I was afraid to let myself think it really happened. If it really happened, something else would happen to make it not real, or go away, and I would be left feeling empty. Feeling loss. Feeling that hole inside my soul again. It’s much easier to just set myself up to not let the things I want to happen occur, then I won’t be disappointed. But you know what? It happened. And it wasn’t the booze. And it wasn’t the song. I know this because it happened Saturday night, and each day since then, I’ve thought about it…and cried. Oh sure, I cry all the time, but not this type of cry. This one is hard to describe…a feeling of love, joy and belonging, mixed with the sadness of knowing it’s something I’ve been missing for so many years. As I was surrounded by that circle of friends, as I looked into each of their eyes as they smiled and sang to me, I felt it. I felt love and I cried, because I honestly thought it was just never in the cards for me to feel that…to have people want to give me that. This is what I’ve been working on all year.  I went from a girl who felt she didn’t deserve a damn thing in life… not love, not kids, not attention, not even going to therapy, to a girl who felt she deserved to throw herself a birthday party. A party to acknowledge her freedom from the heavy shame she’d been carrying around from her childhood. A party to acknowledge her bravery in getting divorced so she could preserve her true self. I stood right in the middle of that freaking love circle and accepted it all. I felt no shame. That’s when I realized I had accomplished my greatest feat yet…I had learned to love me.

“People smile and tell me I’m the lucky one….”



7 thoughts on “Love breakthrough”

  1. That is beyond HUGE! Congratulations. So amazingly thrilled for you.

    I was trying to explain recently to a blogger, who writes so exquisitely about all her pain, about the gigantic wall she’s built around her heart, that the wall she thinks is protecting her from more pain isn’t. It’s walling her off from LOVE and loving herself. We, who have been hurt, all build walls around our hearts, and it looks like yours is absolutely down. Let the love flow now!

    (I don’t get the sense that this other gal will be feeling better any time soon- she enjoys writing about pain and darkness just a tad too much. And, she has attracted quite a following that resonates with her and the pain and darkness.)

    1. Well, to be fair…I wrote a TON in my journals about the pain and darkness…sometimes 9-10 times a day! I just spared all of you from having to endure it with me! I never would have made it to this point if I didn’t write.

      I’m amazingly thrilled for me, too:)

  2. This is so great! I love that you can look back and see such transformation. Healing is a difficult process and opening up deep wounds gets messy but it is so worth it to get to the other side. I’m so glad you’ve been freed from shame and learned to love yourself and your party sounds like a great way to celebrate your courage and your progress.

    1. Thank you, Lesley! Your words mean a lot to me. I always feel like people think I’m making these things out to be bigger than they are. It’s tough to understand if you don’t understand…you know? I’ve turned the corner in my journey. I know it’s not over, but know there’s something new around this corner. I’m excited to see what it is:)

  3. There is so much love and power in this post. The fears and demons you have conquered to find a new you and learn to love yourself is truly inspiring.

    1. Thank you! Not too long ago, I would have shamed myself for this post. I think that’s the true marker of my healing…the fact that I’m ok with it. I deserve it:)

      1. 1000 percent deserve it and you never have to explain yourself either, whether you are happy, angry, sad or a combination of all of them that is how you feel and nobody can take that away from you!!

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